Conflict Transformation: A Vital Issue of our Day

In an increasingly fractured world, Middlebury has made a commitment to serve as an incubator for research, teaching, and student experiences to address divisiveness in society. Working with more than 100 partner institutions in the United States and around the world, Middlebury is working to embed principles and practices of conflict transformation in the liberal arts from high school to graduate school.

The Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation seeks to learn lessons from this vast community that can be adapted to the issues and questions that are most pressing for Middlebury. The work we do—at the College, the Middlebury Institute, Bread Loaf, and Schools Abroad—will help build new networks and expand our ability to transform the world around us.

Image of dynamite ball blowing up

College Students

Take a class or apply for an internship

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Graduate Students

Learn about becoming a CT Graduate Fellow

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Faculty and Staff

Research support and professional development

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General Public

Join our events, listen to our latest podcast

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Opening Up

Opening Up is a podcast series that features faculty, staff, students, and community members engaged in the Conflict Transformation Collaborative (CTC) at Middlebury. Listen Now.

Upcoming Events

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  • CTC Lunch Lab: Where Does Misunderstanding Happen?

    Interested in a free lunch? The opportunity to learn more about conflict transformation skills that can be applied to many aspects of your work and personal life? We asked some of our friends to help us share and discuss their CT knowledge. We will grab some food, listen for 15 minutes, then practice and share!

    McCullough - Conference Room @ the Grille

    Closed to the Public

  • a green background with an outline of a roof, clock and cup of tea.

    CTC Community Hours

    Come by to share a cup of tea and chat with our staff about conflict transformation courses, opportunities, or share your own ideas with us! We always have snacks and drinks to share!

    161 Adirondack View, Bowker Barn

    Closed to the Public

  • CTC Lunch Lab: Power: A Barrier or a Bridge?

    Interested in a free lunch? The opportunity to learn more about conflict transformation skills that can be applied to many aspects of your work and personal life? We asked some of our friends to help us share and discuss their CT knowledge. We will grab some food, listen for 15 minutes, then practice and share!

    McCullough - Conference Room @ the Grille

    Closed to the Public

Latest News

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  • Addison Independent covers Good Talks

    Town Hall Theater and CT partnered to host a Good Talks post-election. Over 70 community members, including around 30 students, sat together on November 12th. 

  • Knopf Named GRENPEC Affiliated Scholar

    The Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies (NPTS) program and Conflict Transformation Collaborative have become partners with The Global Research Network on Peaceful Change (GRENPEC).

  • What Does Productive Protest Look Like?

    Laurie Patton returns to the Interfaith America podcast, joining Eboo Patel to discuss how Middlebury has adopted a philosophy of conflict transformation.